Oven Baked Fish



Alright, so this is something that I cook because my boyfriend loves to go fishing and so we always have some fish in the freezer. Of course, you can always go to the store and buy whatever fish you think taste the best.  The key to cooking fish, for me, is how you season it.

I always end up seasoning it different each time. For this fish, I put salt, pepper, and garlic over it. Next, I used Kroger brand poppy seed salad dressing. This is an easy protein you can make for dinner. Add any side that you think would be good with your fish. I love steamed broccoli so I usually use that as a side.

This is a healthy meal that you can easily make. I try to eat healthy meals as much as I can because I am always on the go and find myself eating fast food throughout the week.

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